
1. Ulan bator
Ulan Bator is the capital and largest city of Mongolia.  An independent municipality, the city is not part of any province. Located in north central Mongolia, the city lies at an elevation of about 1,310 metres (4,300 ft) in a valley on the Tuul river. It is the cultural, industrial, and financial heart of the country. It is the center of Mongolia's road network, and is connected by rail to both the Trans-Siberian railway in Russia and the Chinese railway system. 
Museum of natural history:
It has exhibits featuring Mongolia's geography, Flora and Fauna, including the requisite section with stuffed and embalmed animals, birds, even fish and Dinosaur skeletons.
Zanabazar Museum:
The Zana bazar Museum of Fine Arts has an excellent collection of paintings, carvings and sculptures, including many by the revered sculptorand Artist Zanabazar. and other some museums has in Ulan -Baatar you can see.
 Gandan Monastery:
Gandan Tegchinlen Khiid: Building was started in 1838 by the fourth Bogda Gegeen. Like most monasteries in Mongolia , the purges of 1937 fell heavenly on Gandan Today there are over 200 monks in residence. Gandan Tegchinlen khiid largest and most important monastery in Mongolia. You enter is the magnificient white Megjid Janraisig Sum the Monastery's main attraction.
 Zaisan Memorial hill:
The tall, thin land mark on top of the hill south of the city is the Zaisan memorial. Built by the Russians to commemorate unknown soldiers and heroes from various wars, it offers the best views of Ulaanbaatar and the surrounding hills.

2. Gobi Desert
The Gobi desert is one of the untouched, unique, and mysterious places on the world. The site of ancient inland seas, the Gobi desert is a treasure chest of fossilized dinosaur bones and eggs. The Mongolian Gobi is a vast zone desert and desert steppe covering almost 30% of the Mongolian territory. This is the second biggest desert in the world. The Gobi is often imagined as a lifeless desert, similar to African desert. In reality, most part of the Gobi is a land of steppes and mountains and this the incredible land mass is home to wild sheep, wild ass, Gazelle, two -humped wild camels, desert Ibex, takhi(the Mongolian wild horse), rare saiga antelope, and the world's only desert bear-the Gobi bear, of which there are only 50 left in the wild. The appropriately named desert warbler, and saxaul sparrow, hide in saxaul (zag in Mongolian), a stubby shrub that produces wood so dense that it sinks in water. Picture a camel ride on the serious sand dunes of Khongoryn Els (The singing Dune); a walk through Yolyn Am (Vulture Mouth), a valley with dramatic, rocky scenery and thick ice almost year round; and exploration of the ochre red "Flaming Cliffs" of Bayanzag, famous for dinosaur findings. 

3. Central

4. North

Lake Khovsgol 
Khovsgol is one of the country's largest and most spectacular protected areas. Bordered to the north by the Sayan Mountains (rising to the park's highest point of 3491 meters) and to the west by the Khoridal Soridag range, the lake is 136 km long and 36km wide. Its 380 cubic km of water make it the fourteenth largest freshwater lake in the world by volume, with over 2% of the world's fresh water. At its deepest in Central Asia, the dives 262 meters. The lake is 1645 meters above sea level and is generally frozen from January until April or May. Ninety-six rivers and streams empty into Lake Khovsgol, but only the Egyn River exits the lake. The Egyn flows southeast until it joins the Selenge River, which flows through one of Mongolia's most densely populated areas on its way to Lake Baikal. Tributaries to Khovsgol include the Khankh and Khoroo rivers, the mouths of which have been designated "core areas" because of their importance for migratory birds. The lake is full of fish, such as lennok and sturgeon, and the area is home to argali sheep, ibex, bear and moose, as well as over 200 of birds, and 750 species of plants, including 60 with medicinal importance. The region also hosts three separate, unique people: Darkhad Mongols, Buryad Mongols and Tsaatan, who care for the deer. The lake is now part of the Khovsgol Lake National Park Visitors also come to fish, swim in the icy water, watch the ducks, seagulls and other birdlife, hike of horse back ride along the shoreline, or just find a comfortable spot to say and soak in all the fresh air and natural beauty.
The Tsaatan Reindeer Herders
 Living mostly in the rugged taiga-forested mountain areas to the north and west of Lake Khovsgol, the Tsaatan (meaning" reindeer herdsmen" in Mongolian) are one of Mongolia's most fascinating social groups. Traditional reindeer herders, the Tsaatan are part of the Turkic-speaking Tuvinian ethnic group known as Dukha, reindeer herders who today inhabit parts of Tuva, the region just across the border in Russia. Traditionally, these taiga forest dwellers used reindeer for transporting supllies, riding, and milk, and only rarely used them for meat. Today, 30-40 Tsaatan families are still practice reindeer herding.

5. Western

The Kazak
 Falconry, one of the most dramatic and primal relationships between man and beast is alive and well in the remote mountains of western Mongolia. You'll follow Kazakh hunters with trained golden eagles, the largest and most powerful of raptors, as they hunt fox and rabbit from horseback. Meet the hunters, their families and their birds, follow them on the hunt and learn some of the skills involved in the capture, training and use of the eagles as hunters.
Fox, rabbit and even wolf are hunted for their fur and for the challenge they present, pursued across the snowy mountains and steppes.
The Kazaks only hunt with their eagles during winter, when the pelts of the rabbits, red fox and wolf are at their most luxuriant. 

Hunting with eagles is an ancient sport. Eagle- hunting is a Kazakh tradition dating back about 2000 years ( Marco Polo mentions it in his Travels). It reminds us of how close, until recent history, man was with both nature and animals. This tradition, lost in many parts of the world, is enjoying a resurgence of interest among the Kazaks and has spread to other ethnic groups who once hunted with raptors but lost the knowledge.
Participants will discuss the techniques of capturing and training an eagle (only the females are used, they are larger) and will be able to see the eagles fly in pursuit of prey. 
Female eagles are almost always used as they are one-third heavier than the males and for more aggressive. Young birds, around two-years-old, are caught in nearby valleys, fattened up and washed, and then 'broken' by being tied to a wooden block so that they fall when they try to fly away. After two days they are exhausted and ready for training, which involves being kept on a pole called a tugir, and catching small animals skins or lures called shirga.

The eagles are trained to hunt marmots, small faxes and wolves (eagles have vision eight times more acute than humans), and release them to the hunter, who clubs the prey to death. Part of the meat is given to the eagles as a reward. Tools of the trade include the tomaga (hood), bialai (gloves) and khundag (blanket to keep the bird warm).
If well trained, a bird can live, and hunt, for about 30 years. Most hunters train several birds during their lifetime and release their birds into the wild after 10 years. In addition, the far western mountains of Mongolia (Altai) are spectacularly beautiful.
6. Naadam
Naadam festival
Naadam is the one of the public holidays and ceremonies of Mongolia. Mongols call their National Holiday Naadam or the Three Manly Games. The Three Manly Games are wrestling, archery and horse racing which are the sports of wisdom, courage and strength. There are also other games and performances during these days. Naadam is celebrated on the 11th and 12th of July throughout the country to mark the anniversary of the Mongolian Revolution in 1921. Every year 512 wrestlers compete in the national Naadam and the winner is wrestler who won the 9 rounds. By the rules of Mongolian wrestling ,a wrestler who lost in one round should be dismissed. It is a great honor to wrestle in the national Naadam, so Mongolian wrestlers train hard for it as well as preparing their dresses ( called 'zodog' and 'shuudag'). The winner who won in a wrestling is called 'turuu bukh' and 'uzuur bukh' is for the one who won the second place. Nachin or 'falcon' title is given to a wrestler who won in 5 rounds,'zaan' to a winner of 7 rounds. 'Arslan' or 'lion' title is bestowed to the winn
er of the first place in a national wrestling match and a person who has been an arslan twise is honoured with the title of "avarga' (Champion).

Another main game is horseracing in which horses of 6 different ages beginning from 6 to 8 years old participate in somon, aimag and national horse races. In addition ,there is the special horse race of fast amblers. 6 horse races are held separately according to the age of the horse. The race horses are daaga, a 2 year old colt,shudlen,3 year old horse, and soyolon 5 year old horse. The eldest is a 6 year old stallion,called azraga and in stallion races there is no age limit,t hat is horses of 6 years old or more are allowed to take part. Race tracks are varied by ages: 10 km for two-year-old colts, 28 km for stallions and so on. In some races , there are over 700 horses. Children, between 6 and 12 ride race-horses, but mostly they are between 6 and 8 years old. The 5 horses which come first place in a race are called 'airagdah'. The title ' Tumnii ekh' is given to a horse which won the first place in a horse-race of Naadam. The title of the honored trainer is bestowed to an experienced trainer who distinguishes the special breed for racing and trains a racehorse.Archery is one if the games in Naadam in which many of the best archers from all the corners of the country compete. The winner is given the title ' Erkhii Mergen harvaach' which means the excellent marksman of the country. Nowadays women and children are also engaged in archery.

7. Tsagaan sar
For Mongolians, the first holiday to celebrate the new year is Tsagaan sar. The new year festival according to the lunar calendar is called Tsagaan, sar meaning "White Moon". This is a big family celebration lasting three days with various ceremonies. Tsagaan sar is celebrated on the first day of a spring month when winter ends and spring comes. Tsagaan sar falls in January of Febraury on the Gregorian calendar depending on the phases of the moon ,unless the leap year has been calculated differently.Celebration on the lunar new year's eve is called 'bituun'and this evening every family prepare a big meal and lot of fresh food to have a feast.A big wrestling match is broadcast live throughout the country this evening. People ride their best horses during this holiday and prepare their new clothes in advance and wear the most elegant ones.Their homes are cleaned up thoroughly on the eve. In the morning of a new year a housewife offers the first cup of tea to gods in all directions. After the sun rises people start to greet with each other. When greeting they stretch their arms and the young support the elbow of the old. The senior or elder people wish a long and happy life to the young. While exchanging snuffbottles in greeting, people usually talk about how they passed the winter. During the days of the Lunar calendar Year Holiday there are various ceremonies: visits to relatives, exchanges of gifts and lots of eating. A guest is welcomed warmly and is served with tea and food. In addition to the offerings of food, hosts give a present to visitors and sweets to children. Every year the president gives a speech on the TV and offers greetings on the occasion of Tsagaan sar. Mongolians signify the first day of a new year very much, therefore people exercise religious practices called ' khiimorio sergeekh' to be inspired and lucky. In tsagaan sar people perform an "Ovoo" ceremony to worship their god and nature.