Useful Information

By air: MIAT - Mongolian Airlines, Aeroflot - Russian Airlines, Air China, Korean Air are serving in Mongolia. Recently Aero-Mongolia began having near distance flight schedules to Irkutsk (Russia) and to Hoh Hot (China).
If domestic flight schedules have been reduced for some reason, early reservations are necessary. Please consider that domestic flight schedule could be changed or cancelled due to technical or (nature) reason.

By train: International direct trains are between Ulaanbaatar to Ulan Ude, Irkutsk, Moscow, Erlian, Hoh Hot and Beijing in both directions. The train schedule is not frequent.
Assist ticketing and reservations for trains become more difficult during the tourists high season. Many of tourists use local ways to reach their next destination. 

Mongolia is a country of extreme continental climate.
The main travel season is from May to October, however you can visit any time of the year. For most of the year it is very cold, especially during the night. Precipitation is low and skies are usually clear during the wintertime. Once winter is finished, springtime comes. The weather is not pleasant in the spring; it is dusty and harsh. Summer is actually very pleasant; it is not so hot and the rain is minimal. However if rain gets extended, it can cause floods locally. Daylight lasts until 10 PM in the summer time. Autumn is the best season to visit the Gobi desert. Temperature drops below 0 C in October. Then storms come and go quickly.


The basic monetary unit is TUGRUG.
Commercial banks in Ulaanbaatar and province centers are the official organizations authorized to exchange foreign currency.

Please check the current rate at
There is an ATM cash drawing machine right next to our guesthouse. Also there is a 24-hour open bank right downstairs of our guesthouse that can accept your VISA CARD, MASTER CARD, Travelers' Check and Cash.
Medical services are available everywhere. Any expenses that occur because of needed medical treatment have to be paid by patients.
International SOS Medical Clinic Center is opened in Mongolia.


For all information related to consular matters, please contact in person by telephone or e-mail the nearest diplomatic or consular mission of Mongolia.
The following materials are required to obtain Mongolian visa:

* Valid passport
* One passport sized photo
* Application form (External link: Visa Application Form / Tourist Visa Application Form)
* Either an invitation of the receiving entity (state, government, non-governmental organization, business entity) or an official request of the sending country and the organization.

- or, for tourists wishing to stay over 30 days up to 90 days, a letter of invitation from a travel agency of Mongolia
- or, if you are traveling on a personal invitation of a citizen of Mongolia, an invitation approved by the Office of Immigration, Naturalization and Foreign Citizens of Mongolia, and applicant's written statement concerning his/her financial credibility to cover his/her stay in Mongolia.
- or, for those passing Mongolia in transit, onward ticket and visa for next destination are required.

Fees and charges for Mongolian visa:

* Single entry/exit visa - US$25; for urgent service (within a working day) US$50; this kind of visa is valid for three months from the date of issuing.
* Multiple entry/exit visa valid for six months - US$65; for urgent service (within a working day) US$130,
* Multiple entry/exit visa valid for one year - US$130; for urgent service (within a working day) US$ 260
* Visa extension valid for one week - US$15; for urgent service (within a working day) US$30; US$2 per a day exceeding a week.

List of countries and regions with non-visa regime for all types of passport holders:

* Hong Kong - 14 days for all type of passports. There is no visa fee for diplomatic and official passports. Ordinary passport holders pay visa fee if they travel for more than 14 days.
* Israel - 30 days for all type of passports
* Kazakhstan - 90 days for all type of passports
* Malaysia - 1 month for all type of passports
* Philippines - 21 days for all type of passports
* Singapore - 14 days for all type of passports

List of countries without visa fee:

* India - All type of passports need a visa, no visa applications, photos and fees required
* USA - no visa for all type of passport holders, including A, H, J visas within 90 days. Visit more than 90 days need visa, service charge - $45, no visa fee required

Travelers who haven't been to Mongolia shouldn't fail to notice the following tips. These tips are essential for touring the city, the countryside, visiting a nomadic family, and riding Mongolian horses and camels. These Mongolian customs, which have been passed down for centuries, are unique for any guests from a different country.

* If your car stops by an "Ovoo", the sacred mounds of stones, you are expected to circle the stones clockwise three times and toss something onto the file.
* Always accept some food or drink when you visit a Mongolian family. You don't have to eat everything, but it's rude if you don't test them.
* Both food and drink are passed with and accepted by the right hand. Please keep your sleeves down when you accept food or drinks from the host.
* If it is possible, give little children some candies and small items (stationeries, hair pins, stickers, balloons…) that could be interesting for them. It is usual that they expect something from visitors, as they are inaccessible to shops and entertaining places.
* Don't forget to blow out the candle before you sleep in a ger.
* If you are visiting a nomad's family during the cold season, please don't try to make a fire in the stove. It is better to ask your hosts to take care of the stove. Your inexperience may cause you a big problem.
* Don't ever whistle while you are in a Mongolian ger; this is considered really rude.
* Never step over dishes and cooking utensils when they are placed on the ground. The hosts of the family will be badly offended.
* Don't put your feet up on the table. It is also very offensive.
* Never put your hat upside down or place it on the floor. According to Mongolia's etiquette traditions, a man or woman's hat represents his or her fortune.
* Don't approach a horse from the hind or the right side. The horse may kick you, because it is scared.
* Mount or dismount a horse or camel only from the left.
* Put on long-legged trousers. Mongolian traditional saddles with high wooden frame and silver decorations may make your legs sore if you ride with shorts.
* Don't wear too bright colored clothes or those with loose flaps, because it may scare your horse.
* Don't take pictures with a flashlight camera while riding.
* Don't control your body while you are riding a horse, but control your horse. Horses always listen to your commands.
* Please never pet a family dog. Mongolian dogs have a big responsibility. They are not used to be pets; they are used as protectors, so they may bite you.